Ross Rosenberg's Blog

This article will explore the relationship between codependency, attachment trauma, and pathological loneliness and the role that psychotherapy can have to solve this pathological circle. Perhaps not everyone knows that it is possible to think of codependency as a secondary condition, a symptom of profound mental health issues: it is not the problem we are dealing with, but a problem caused by much deeper issues.
Co-Dependency Anonymous Was Broken from the Start
A SYNOPSIS OF ROSS ROSENBERG'S BROKEN FROM THE STARTCO-DEPENDENTS ANONYMOUSWho Has Power Over Whom? YouTube Video: Just like other 12-step programs, CoDA’s first step pinpoints the out-of-control addiction or compulsive...
To Dash or Not Dash - Co-Dependency's Evolution
The “dash” version of co-dependency never advanced beyond its original family systems theory influence. Still, it sheds light on the addict’s chemical dependency and their partner’s propensity to sabotage their treatment unconsciously, reflexively, and predictably. Moreover, with the development of the co-dependency term, concept, and burgeoning treatment accommodations available to them, positive and negative treatment outcomes could be statistically correlated to the participation of the partner to the addict.

Projection is a defense mechanism that invisibly and unconsciously protects the narcissist from understanding their true shame-dominated and self-hating selves. Narcissists project their self-hatred, self-judgment, and unexpressed rage over their unmitigated child abuse onto a safer person: the offending and supposedly injuring person. Projection conveniently shifts, places, and diverts all of what the narcissist hates about themselves, which is too painful and unsafe to recollect, onto the person they misperceived as hurting them.

Excerpt from “The Codependency Revolution:Fixing What Was Always Broken (2024)” Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC The Outside Revolution “…..As my typing fingers translated the circuitous exploratory processes of my mind, I...

Toxic Empathy
Toxic Empathy Excerpt from Upcoming“The Codependency Revolution”Released with workbook in November 2023 Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADCSelf-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEOPsychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness TOXIC EMPATHY Before describing toxic empathy, its healthy form...

Common Codependency Traits
Common Codependency Traits Excerpt from Upcoming“The Codependency Revolution”Released with workbook on November 1, 2023 Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADCSelf-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEOPsychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness COMMON CODEPENDENCY TRAITS Although codependency has been...

We Are All Human Magnets
The earth is one colossal magnet with two opposite poles, like its smaller magnetic cousins. Each pole has opposite magnetic charges: positive and negative. As a result, a metal needle in a compass is highly sensitive to our planet’s magnetic field.

Taking on the Codependency Establishment
Fortunately for science, the process of pairing creativity with skepticism promotes new discoveries while discarding outdated misconceptions. That knowledge-bearing tension seems to fall short in stimulating the mental health community’s examination of codependency.

Iatrogenic Trauma: The Consequences of Ineffective Therapy
Iatrogenic trauma is the long-term suffering and distress caused by the poorly executed, mistaken, and/or incompetent treatment of any painful, limiting, or frightening mental health or medical problem. Such trauma is caused by a treatment provider’s unrealistic optimism, unfulfilled assurances of relief or a cure, treatment failure, the worsening of the condition, painful complications, or the creation of unanticipated unrelated conditions

The "Of Course" Method: Neutralizing Narcissistic Abuse
One of the most effective techniques for setting boundaries and breaking free from a pathological narcissist is the “Of Course Method.” It may seem like a simple turn of phrase, but “of course” are two small words that hold huge

Disidentifying With the Gaslit Voices In Your Head
Gaslighting is the systematically applied mind-control strategy that sociopaths and sociopathic narcissists use to covertly prey upon vulnerable Self-Love Deficient/SLD (codependent) individuals. Once the Gaslighter choose their victim, they carefully identify their insecurities and deficits.

The Journey to Self-Love: On Becoming a Rose: Poem
Breaking through to self-love
is the most difficult journey
for paralyzed and anxious
rose bud people,
whose roots are deeply
and inescapably implanted
in the inhospitable soil
of forgotten and discarded dreams.

"Empath" Is Not the Same as "Codependent"
I have to be honest, I do not like when the term “empath” is used interchangeably with “codependent.” “Empath,” which has its origins in the spiritual and metaphysical world, was never intended to be a replacement term for codependency. An empath is defined as a person with the paranormal ability to intuitively sense and understand the mental or emotional state of another individual...

"Codependency" No More
“Codependency” is an outdated term that connotes weakness and emotional fragility, both of which are far from the truth. The replacement term, “Self-Love Deficit Disorder” or SLDD, takes the stigma and misunderstanding out of codependency and focuses on the core shame that perpetuates it. However, inherent in the term itself is recognizing the core problem of codependency and its solution.