Ross Rosenberg's Blog
Co-Dependency Anonymous Was Broken from the Start
A SYNOPSIS OF ROSS ROSENBERG'S BROKEN FROM THE STARTCO-DEPENDENTS ANONYMOUSWho Has Power Over Whom? YouTube Video: Just like other 12-step programs, CoDA’s first step pinpoints the out-of-control addiction or compulsive...
To Dash or Not Dash - Co-Dependency's Evolution
The “dash” version of co-dependency never advanced beyond its original family systems theory influence. Still, it sheds light on the addict’s chemical dependency and their partner’s propensity to sabotage their treatment unconsciously, reflexively, and predictably. Moreover, with the development of the co-dependency term, concept, and burgeoning treatment accommodations available to them, positive and negative treatment outcomes could be statistically correlated to the participation of the partner to the addict.

Taking on the Codependency Establishment
Fortunately for science, the process of pairing creativity with skepticism promotes new discoveries while discarding outdated misconceptions. That knowledge-bearing tension seems to fall short in stimulating the mental health community’s examination of codependency.